
Do you kiss? 

“I love warm, passionate or soft and gentle kisses; you’ll find me very responsive, including French kissing if you like tongues! I am happy to see smokers too.”

Is that you in the pictures?

“Yes, 100%! Apparently, I’m better in the flesh too; come and see for yourself!”

Can you meet me at my hotel? 

“Yes, and I always arrive dressed as if going to a meeting, but with my sexy lingerie underneath or in my bag! My driver will drop me at the entrance to the hotel, and collect me when I call him to return.”

Do you have an upper or lower age limit? 

“Young men aged 23 or over are fine, and I love meeting mature men too…75 and more. If you are a bit over this age range but in good health, do get in touch; I will appreciate your frankness and will almost certainly be able to meet you.”

I text/Whatsapp you, and you didn’t reply? 

“I don’t reply to texts/Whatsapp’s unless you are one of my regular client’s, nor do I answer withheld/private numbers, so please check that your number is showing before calling me or I won’t pick up!”